Connecting Communities, Celebrating Stories, Inspiring Change
What is On…

We are thrilled to invite you to the Playback Theatre Core Training in Mar to Apr. You will learn the core values and techniques in 6 weekends.
Playback Theatre is a kind of Applied Theatre to connect with communities; to speak the unspoken; to activate social changes. There are many more valuable benefits to unlock your creativity and spontaneity with us.
: Stories That Connect and Inspire

True Heart Theatre is proud to launch the Playback Theatre Improvers Network Rehearsals!
真心劇團將於秋季開始一個新概念活動 【深化一人一事劇場網絡】,讓playbackers來參與綵排,一起探索並深化相關的技巧,如聲音運用、形體、領航、故事聆聽、敍事網、等等,過程中如有需要會提供在旁指導 。全活動共有十節3小時綵排及一場演出。
Meet once a month, Dates on Sundays
20 Oct; 17 Nov; 15 Dec in 2024;19 Jan; 16 Feb; 16 Mar;
13 Apr; 11 May; 8 Jun; 6 Jul in 2025
* The performance will be on 2 Aug (Sat) 演出日期於最後一天*
Language語言 : English *Cantonese translation can be provided if necessary
英語 *可附以廣東話翻譯
Time 時間: 3 – 6 pmVenue 地點 : TBC in London 待定於倫敦Fee 收費: £120 for full programme 整項活動價 ; £15 for single session 單節活動價
Anyone who has completed The Playback Theatre Core Training (or equivalent)
True Heart Gallery